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Found 5280 results for any of the keywords odisha tenders. Time 0.009 seconds.
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Odisha Tendering Agency ListOdisha Government Tenders Agency
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Odisha Tender Authority ListTendering Authority of Odisha
Auction Sale Of Disposal Of Old And Condemned : Odisha Tendersauction sale of disposal of old and condemned 109 nos of police vehicle lying at different districts battalion vehicle count 109 nos two wheeler 19 nos four wheeler car jeep suv 58 nos bus 23 nos truck 9 nos vehicles det
Auction Sale Of 10 Nos Of Condemned Vehicles : Odisha Tendersauction sale of 10 nos of condemned vehicles stocked at different districts estts battalions as per annexure the lot will be sold on as is where is basis and no complaint basis any quality quantity issues will not be ent
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